Helloooo, lovers! Its been a minute, but we’re back. If you’ve been following along over on Instagram, then you know our second bundle of joy, Eli Gray, joined us three weeks ago on November 23rd! He weighed in at a studly 8lbs and 8oz and was 21 inches long — big guy, just like his brother. Here is a peek at the announcement in case you missed it.
We’ve been overjoyed to have him at home and are settling in nicely to our new life as a family of four. I’ve been getting a bunch of questions over on IG regarding when we’ll be doing a nursery reveal (we’re not), as well as what baby items we are loving and using the most, and what items are more fluff than substance (FYI: a ton).

Well, for starters, we opted out of creating a separate nursery for Eli at this time and are keeping him with us in our room instead until we can combine spaces and have our boys together in one room. When we had Blake we created a beautiful nursery space with help from buybuyBABY, but that glorious nursery sat empty for over six months – gasp! – while we chose instead to keep Blake close by next to our bed. We realized as much as we wanted to create a special space for Eli, too, it wasn’t super practical and our money was going to be better spent on updating our 2.5 year old baby items to the latest and greatest.

So back to buybuyBABY we went to get a full refresher on everything out there. A TON had changed in just the few short years since we had stocked up for Blake. To be honest I was kind of shocked. From Nespresso-esque machines that fill and warm bottles for you, to smaller baby carriers made just for newborns, there was a lot I didn’t have and wanted to try. Luckily, their amazing staff helped me to navigate the entire store and give honest opinions on what was essential, showed me how to seamlessly transition our existing stroller to the two baby configuration, and choose a new crib that can take Eli from newborn to big boy bed with a snap.

Now that we’ve been rolling along with Eli for three weeks, I’ve established the items I’m loving and leaning on the most and wanted to share them with you. If you’re expecting, or know someone who is, bookmark this post now and let me cut through the clutter for you — these 12 tried and tested newborn must haves will save you a lot of time and potentially a lot of wasted dollars.

We lovingly joke that buybuyBABY is our ‘mothership’ these days because we are just there really, really often (like on a first name basis often) grabbing everything we need for baby. It’s an easy choice since they have positively everything and a super dedicated staff that knows their stuff, which is worth its weight in gold.

Without further adieu, here are my 12 must haves. Click through below for the tried and true goodies and cheers to sleepless nights and cuddle-filled days!