
At Home With Brett Firdman of Her Tasty Life

Her Tasty Life is a site wherein I express my own personal opinions, photographs, recipes and experiences. All content is owned and created by Her Tasty Life for the use of Her Tasty Life exclusively, unless otherwise specified and approved. While the sharing of content found on Her Tasty Life is encouraged, proper link back to the original post and proper attribution to Her Tasty Life is required.

In regards to posted images or content, if you ever find an image to be (unintentionally) missing a link or sourced incorrectly, please send me an email, I will gladly make the update.

On occasion, Her Tasty Life may feature paid advertisements or affiliate links that are pre-determined and vetted to be in-line with the values of this site. These advertisements and affiliate links in no way influence the selection of my content. I write about what I’m eating and wearing. Receipt of products and services gratis does not guarantee mention on this blog or positive endorsement.